
Posts Tagged ‘redneck’

So after a long day at the cafe (and gearing up for moving the bakery tomorrow) Bill and I spent some quality time together. I don’t want to blog long so we can snuggle and get some decent sleep in, but these pictures should keep you up to date.

We held Pie Week this week. Pies sold like crazy, and involved me pulling a straight 24 hour work day before crashing. We are happy with the results (and landed a wedding because of it).






Then the heavens opened and gave me a gift…my new oven….


Which Bill and Robert (the “Chief Geek” at the cafe and my brother from another mother) installed for me…


Then, tonight after the cafe, Bill needed help on a job site….with a view like this I WILL ALWAYS HELP!


Seriously though, he does amazing work!



I didn’t really help….I just held stuff… Then it was late and we were both hungry. We haven’t eaten out in months, or even had a date night, so we ignored the mounting bills, and had dinner out. Probably not a good idea, but we have to cancel date night a lot because of money, so we went.


In a room full of decently dressed people, there was my redneck in ripped off sleeves and a baseball cap with beer caps and a fishing hook. I loved every fucking second of it. He’s amazing, and I wouldn’t change a thing….


Even when he tries my appletini….

Off to bed. Ciao for now!

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I got a phone call at about 4:00. It was Bill telling me he was about to pull off the Marine base for the last time. Between the two of us, we have pulled that truck on and off that base a million times, but today is different. Earlier today, Bill finished his contract with the USMC and returned to civilian life. The reason for letting me know he was on his way, was this is the last time he has to tell me he’s on his way over….because tonight Bill comes home FOREVER. No more living in two places, half his stuff with me, some of my clothes with him…this is it. We now live under one roof.

The amazing part about all this is the timing. Six months ago today, TO THE HOUR, I got a text from Bill telling me he was coming up to see me for the first time. We were both nervous and excited. We had no idea what we were in for….that we would find our cream soda (look back at my post “When you know, you know).

In the past six months we’ve been on a crazy ride where we fell in love, planned our lives, made major life changing decisions, and even had a fight which resulted in me discharging a firearm in the front lawn. I fired at the sky, not Bill, but still.

It’s crazy to think just six months ago, we hadn’t met yet, now, six months to the day later, we are starting our “Happily Ever After!”

We get to start this new adventure as I leave behind a really crazy pickle issue. Yes, I have…er HAD, a pickle issue.

I don’t like pickles, and over time the problem was so bad, I felt gross just touching a pickle container, even if it was empty. This can be really problematic when you spend up to 18 hours a day in a restaurant.

I tried talking to my shrink about it…but she totally laughed at me. It’s okay, because I actually make her laugh a lot, and I love seeing her, but when I do see her, the pickle problem was the least of my worries.

Now here is the super crazy part…. The pickle problem got better after I split from my now ex-husband. Wednesday my divorce was finalized, and on Thursday when I went to work, I had to make sandwiches which come with…you guessed it…a pickle.

The owner of the cafe, who calls me his middle daughter, has me running the back of house now as well. How can I run a kitchen if I can’t touch pickles? I sucked it up and plunged my hand into the bucket….then did it again, and again. I still have to wash my hands right away, but who wants to smell like pickles?

Somewhere along the way, I apparently associated pickles with my ex. Now as Bill and I start the next chapter, it appears as though I’ve left all the bad shit behind 😉

So with all that said, here is to the next chapter, which now includes 3 dogs, 2 cats, 3 turtles, an iguana, a rabbit, and one redneck marine! Oh, and pickles, don’t worry about holding the pickles!

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