
Posts Tagged ‘pizza’

I cringed the moment my step-mom asked how Bill and I met. Before the question had completely left her mouth, a shiver ran up my spine and into my brain, yelling “Lie! Dad is within earshot! You better lie!”

I couldn’t lie to either of my parents, so I twisted the truth and hoped my dad wasn’t listening.

“We met in a fish pond!”

As those words fell from my mouth, Bill, who will tell you how it is, and is as honest as Abe himself, blurted out the truth….”Online!”

This is where I face palmed. My dad, and my step-mom for that matter, worry about me enough without knowing I met a guy off the internet. Maybe I should have talked to Bill about this before he met my parents.

My step-mom had a puzzled face, and my dad, who was walking behind us yelled “How?”

Truth is, we really met in a fish pond….but apparently, as I’ve learned this past year, lots of younger people meet online.

A website boasting the name Plenty of Fish, was suggested to me. I met some real weirdos on there. After my last crazy relationship, I signed in and went to delete my account, but not before checking my mail. My inbox hosted a message from a cowboy who piqued my interest.

A few messages back and forth and I gave him my number. Who does that? You should talk awhile first! Fast forward less than a week later, and a lifted, white Chevy pulled into my drive.

After taking Baker to the dog park, we went for pizza. I was so engrossed with this sexy ass marine, (as much as I swore off military guys, let alone a marine) I needed something to hold on to. I asked a friend who worked at the pizzeria, to take a photo. I slid into the booth next to Bill, and then it happened….he wrapped his arms around me, and I felt like I was in the most perfect place.

I tried to brush it off as being silly….puppy love stuff, but then he confirmed everything for me. After touring the historical side of town (including breaking into an old cemetery), laying under a public gazebo just talking about nothing, and visiting a bar by the beach, we went back to my house. Here is where it could’ve gone sketch. Keeping in mind Bill lives an hour away, he brought an overnight bag, at my suggestion. At the time, I had a twin mattress (it was better than the air mattress with the hole, but a story for another day). Everything was so perfect, we just climbed into bed (with Baker) like it was natural.

Bill again wrapped his arms around me….and then let me fall asleep. When I woke up a few hours later, in the same position, I couldn’t believe it. He was awake, but let me sleep…without trying anything. I was sure it was him…”the guy” every girl waits for!

I was telling this story to some friends not long ago, and Bill just looked at me and asked “what did you think would happen?” Um….I’ve dated enough guys to know THAT wasn’t normal!

When I think about my favorite place, there isn’t clear blue water and white sand. Those things could be there, but in HIS arms, I’m in my favorite place, and it was there I first knew he was my “forever!”


The infamous first date picture!


Oak (left) and Baker just hanging out tonight. Bill left Oak this week with me. Bill gets some good, quality time with Diesel, Baker gets his BFF for a whole week, and I get two of my three “boys” to help me watch my roommate’s puppy, while she is in Atlanta!

If you’re wondering about my meeting this morning, it went GREAT! I think I’m going to land this big client, and Bill and I might stop stressing out about money so much….oh, and I get to do more baking!!!

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