
Posts Tagged ‘dog park’

Here are some new pies introduced at the bakery this week:



And for the holiday…


Here are some pictures from our time at the park.


Baker finally going in the water.


Oak being very clingy to mommy after daddy accidentally got him with the shock collar on high instead of low.


Diesel still going after balls even if he’s blind in one eye and starting to lose it in his noodle.


Daddy about to throw the ball for the millionth time.


Almost a great picture of Oak and Diesel fetching together….slow ass camera.

Tonight Diesel literally jumped in my arms because of fireworks….hoping we get to sleep at a decent hour…but Oak is the only one NOT spastic about the noise! I think he thinks the fireworks across the street are just glow in the dark tennis balls (Bill’s line…..not mine. He’s so funny).

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It’s been awhile since I felt like I had it all together. Sure, on the outside it looks great. I own my own business, have the most amazing boyfriend in the world, with plans to get married, I have several animals who have me well trained, I belong to a church, I own my own vehicle outright, I’ve been published all over the place, made it into the NY Times once when someone wrote about a blog I used to write, and I wrote a novel. It looks like I really have my shit together…..I don’t…..but we are getting there.

I had a wonderful (text) conversation with my cousin Mandy last night. As the bakery grows, I’m going to need help. Mandy wants to bake, and I want her to bake with me. She is actually contemplating packing up her daughter, giving up her job in banking, and moving seven hours south, to help me run the business. The tricky part is getting and handling enough business for both of us to be full time, and then wait for her to get down here while I do the work of both. One thing at a time though…

I did get approved to be a vendor at the local dog park during special dog park related events today! I will be serving biscuits and doggie cupcakes at the events, which I am excited about…the challenge? I need to have $250 mailed in to them by the 9th of this month….in one week. I just don’t have that right now. The first event is in two weeks. I need a tent ($55.00) and a good display table ($75.00) and who knows what else! Actually, I have a list…..but most of the stuff I already have…I just have to get it together.

There have been times over the past year and a half when I didn’t know how a bill would get paid, if I was going to have rent, if my car was on it’s way to piece-of-shit-car heaven, but I find when I get upset enough to say “Here God, you’re so smart…you figure this out!” …….it gets figured out. He made me…attitude and all….so I guess he’s okay with me usually yelling at him to figure it out himself.

When I sent Bill the text telling him we had been approved as a vendor, he asked me what I needed. I gave him the list and asked him if he could get out early that day (at least for the first one) and come up here and help me. Now I have to just sit back and let stuff happen. I haven’t really been able to talk to him much about it today. Apparently he is busy at work. I know this morning they had a gas chamber exercise. They literally put these guys in a gas chamber with vials of gas, and hope they all get their gas masks on properly. Personally, I could never be in the military. I would have looked at the guy doing the exercise and told him “I’ll do this….in about a million years.”

I am well aware I have a problem with authority. I never would have made it through the first day of boot camp. They would have told me to do something, and I would have told them to go do it themselves. That said, I have a massive amount of respect for anyone that makes it through boot camp, let alone someone like Bill who has 8 years of service. I already look at Bill like he hung the moon….but listening to what they do in training exercises, like the gas chamber stuff this morning, well, I couldn’t be more proud of him. His mother, who passed away when he was 12 (dad was a dead beat no-show before he was born, and for all intents and purposes, should be the one underground…not his sweet mother) must be up there looking down on him, very proud.

So…….I JUST remembered to take my ADD medicine…..reading over this post, you must be wondering how we got here. New York Times, cousin Mandy, Dog Park Vendor, Gas Chamber…..at least I can say, nothing is ever boring with us!

That said, I’m about to go drop off another dessert proposal. Cross fingers…..

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