
Posts Tagged ‘craft beer’

It’s been a few weeks since I took a day off. It’s been a few months since I had a day were I didn’t do at least one thing all day, related to the bakery. What did I do all day? Well, after about 80 hours of working three jobs this week…I slept. Then Bill went to one of my jobs (friends of ours) and cut a hole in the wall. The craft beer and wine bar is growing, and one of the walls makes it hard to see the lounge from the actual bar. Bill took his construction knowledge (from pre marine days) and, and is doing the work at cost for Dave.

I worked my first two shifts at the beer and wine bar, known at the Cafe, and even though I know nothing about beer or wine, it went well.

I met the owners almost two years ago. They brought me on to do the baking for them. It was a father and son-in-law duo. Josh, the son, became like an older brother to me. On March 18th 2012, Josh was driving to pick up Liz, his adorable wife, with his kids in the car, when he was killed in a car accident. None of us are over it, none of us will ever be the same. I know I was blessed to have him in my life, and I know he’s watching us from heaven.

When his father in law, Dave, who calls me his middle daughter, said he needed help at the cafe, I jumped in. I can’t let Josh’s dream turn into a locked door. Even after Bill and I are financially stable, I plan on being at the cafe.

Anyway, back to my day off! I refuse to camp, yet Bill loves it. I finally agreed to camp in the back yard. He pitched the tent while I was at work, and had burgers on the grill when I got home. It seems a little silly to camp outside, when we have a perfectly good bed inside, but  I did it. Except for the dogs barking at every little noise, we had fun!


Then tonight we are fishing. Well, Bill is fishing, I’m going to work on the edits for the novel I wrote, and haven’t touched in months.





It’s hard not looking at books on baking, sending emails, and doing bakery related work, but Bill is making me do things not related to work. He threatened to toss my computer in the ocean if I do, and I kind of need that, so I guess I’ll comply!

I’m only working the bakery tomorrow, and its with my new extern from Le Cordon Bleu, who I LOVE already. She’s great! Hopefully tomorrow I can write more and tell you all about her!

Ciao for now!

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