
Posts Tagged ‘coupons’

Everyone loves the weekend! Well, most people. If you work in food and bev, or own your own restaurant, usually the weekends are your start of the week….but for me, I get to spend it with Bill and “the boys.” Bill drives up on Friday night and stays through Sunday. Even though we have to work, at least on Sunday, at the bakery to prep for the week, it’s still the best part of my week.

Nothing is better than waking up next to the sexiest man in the world, surrounded by three crazy dogs, and the occasional cat. Yesterday, I rolled over to find Isis asleep on Bill’s head. The boys, Diesel, Oak, and Baker, are usually up before us, and wrestling over some type of toy or tennis ball.

Sunday is also COUPON day!

Yes, I’m THAT person in the checkout line, with a million coupons, 60 boxes of Hamburger Helper, and an anal re-tentativeness only Bill can appreciate. (Well, him and our bank account).

If you have never coupon-ed, you’re missing out!  On Sunday we go and buy a couple copies of the newspaper and pull out the coupons. Then we sit down and take out the ones we are going to use. The rest get clipped and, if we know we won’t use them at all, they go to friends. If it’s a product we don’t usually use, (usually food) we hold on to it to see if it also goes on sale and we can try something new for dirt cheap. I can’t tell you how many times we have gotten an item for free or next to free, and loved it!

While one of us cuts (and we have a giant paper cutter like you had in school as a kid) the other pulls out expired coupons from our binder, and mails those off to military families over seas. Military families on bases outside of the US are given an extra 6 months past the expiration date to use coupons!

A website I use called The Krazy Coupon Lady, offers this program. Visit her website to see the specifics of what can and can’t be sent, and where in the US to send your coupons!

Next we match up sales with coupons we have and plan a shopping trip. We always bring all of our coupons on shopping trips because there are always unadvertised sales. My favorite website for this is Southern Savers. Next we hit the store and do our shopping. Most husbands hate shopping. Even fewer husbands/boyfriends help coupon. Bill actually enjoys helping me! We have fun shopping….yeah, we are THAT couple in the grocery store…..

We haven’t had a shopping trip where we would have spent thousands of dollars and walked away with the store owing us money like you see on those crazy coupon shows, but we do pretty well…..and we have fun doing it! When I first started using coupons, I couldn’t believe the store was just going to knock off money for having a piece of paper I clipped out of the paper. Now, I’m the one in the store saying “nope, can’t buy it this week….we don’t have a coupon!”

When your boyfriend is in the military, and you are working what feels like a million hours a week to not always be able to even just pay bills, the few hours spent on couponing can make all the difference!





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