
Posts Tagged ‘cheese’

Okay, this has NOTHING to do with baking, or being tattooed for that matter….BUT, I made it for dinner tonight and thought you might like to try it. Over all, it’s a pretty easy recipe, and I was able to make 5 portions. One for each of us tonight, and three for Bill to eat during the week.

You will need:

  • A bag of tortilla chips
  • 1 pound of ground beef
  • A taco seasoning packet
  • Beans (we use kidney and garbanzo)
  • Veggies (I use tomato, cucumber, green pepper, lettuce, etc)
  • Cheese (They make a shredded “Mexican” mix, or you can use cheddar)
  • Catalina Dressing

Prepare your ground beef according to the directions on the seasoning packet. I had to brown the meat, drain it, add the packet and some water, then bring to a boil before simmering for 5 minutes.

While your beef (or ground turkey) is cooking, prepare your vegetables. I find cutting them small makes it easier to eat.

Strain your beans and run under water.

Next, layer your plates with tortilla chips. If you use lettuce, place that on top of the chips.

When the meat is done, portion it onto your chips/lettuce.

Now you can add your vegetables, beans, and cheese. I top ours with Catalina dressing.

Then enjoy!

I’m sorry I didn’t take any photo’s. Bill and I spent most of the day at the bakery, then by the time we got home, we had to rush dinner so he could head back to where he lives (an hour away). He did leave Oak with me for the week.

Oak has been acting up and getting into garbage at his house. Bill then leaves him outside while he is on base. I can’t stand that. I have a large crate here, that we don’t really use….so I figured Oak can use that while I’m at work.

Also, Kaila, my sweet roommate, had to go to Georgia (where she is from) to take care of some personal business….so I’m in charge of Alton Brown. Not the human, but rather the puppy. Kaila is from Atlanta, and so is celebrity chef Alton Brown….for some reason I kept thinking she should name him Dalton when she got him…then it hit me!!!! We could call him Alton Brown. She liked the name, and he now answers to it! I’ll have to post a picture the next time I post from my phone. He’s a rotty mix and cute as a bug! He immediately fit into our “pack” and the boys treat him like a little brother. Kaila is moving out at the end of this month….I tried to get her to stay….you know…for the sake of the boys….but she needs to be out on her own, and Bill will be moving in (FINALLY!)

Tomorrow I have a meeting with a potentially big client. Cross your fingers for me!

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