
Archive for August, 2013

Then There Were Four

Not a week ago, I said to Bill “we should adopt an older dog as a buddy for Diesel…”

We talked about it, but didn’t immediately do anything about it. Yesterday morning I picked a local newspaper I walk past several times a day on the newsstand. There on the bottom of a random page, in nothing more than two inches of black and white print was the photo of a dog. My dog. At that moment he wasn’t my dog, but I knew he was meant to be.

The dog in the photo was a survivor of a local hoarding case. At just seven years old, “Buddy” was missing an eye as well as completely deaf. He was perfect! Diesel also has a bad eye, and likes to sleep a lot. They were a match.

I went down to the shelter, and fell instantly in love. I sent Bill a picture. He asked whose dog that was. I replied “hopefully ours” and Bill just said “ok.” The shelter wouldn’t let me take him home without doing a meet and greet with all the dogs. It broke my heart to leave him over night, but less than 24 hours later, Buddy and Diesel were best friends. It was like Diesel knew he needed to take Buddy under his wing.

We loaded all the dogs in the truck, and brought Buddy home to possibly the first home he ever has had. He did some exploring, and settled in. I hope he knows we already love him.

Finding his “spot”…


This is the one…..


How do you not love this sweet baby??? I hate how he was abused, I’m mad he sat at the shelter for over a month, and no one showed any interest in him. I’m overjoyed he’s in our lives.

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So after a long day at the cafe (and gearing up for moving the bakery tomorrow) Bill and I spent some quality time together. I don’t want to blog long so we can snuggle and get some decent sleep in, but these pictures should keep you up to date.

We held Pie Week this week. Pies sold like crazy, and involved me pulling a straight 24 hour work day before crashing. We are happy with the results (and landed a wedding because of it).






Then the heavens opened and gave me a gift…my new oven….


Which Bill and Robert (the “Chief Geek” at the cafe and my brother from another mother) installed for me…


Then, tonight after the cafe, Bill needed help on a job site….with a view like this I WILL ALWAYS HELP!


Seriously though, he does amazing work!



I didn’t really help….I just held stuff… Then it was late and we were both hungry. We haven’t eaten out in months, or even had a date night, so we ignored the mounting bills, and had dinner out. Probably not a good idea, but we have to cancel date night a lot because of money, so we went.


In a room full of decently dressed people, there was my redneck in ripped off sleeves and a baseball cap with beer caps and a fishing hook. I loved every fucking second of it. He’s amazing, and I wouldn’t change a thing….


Even when he tries my appletini….

Off to bed. Ciao for now!

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So I’m still here….It’s been awhile, but when you’re working from 5:00 am until 11:00 pm every day, blogging takes a back burner.

Of course, there hasn’t been a dull moment, and there are a lot of changes in life.

For one, the bakery is moving. I’m moving (mostly) out of where I’m working from, into the cafe. This is requiring me to do a whole mess of paperwork and spend more money than we really have. It’s scary and exciting at the same time. I will have a better financial deal, but less space. The trade off? I’m always at the cafe anyway, I’m with my adoptive family, and this was something Josh and I talked about doing before he died in the car accident. My oven arrived the other day, and I actually cried, wishing Joshua was here to see it. I know he’s watching me from heaven, but the selfish part of me wants him here.

I’m looking at this as opening a second location, even though I’m sharing it. The cafe is open late and on Saturday, so more opportunities to sell my baked goods.

I have something called “Pie Week” going on this week. My extern, Alicia, and I baked breakfast pies, sweet pies, savory pies, etc. etc. and advertised this week as “Pie Week.” We made 130 mini pies on Sunday, I don’t know how many more today, and we have a whole week to go!

In other news, Bill has started his own contracting business, and I’m so proud of him!! He’s pulling in crazy business, and working a LOT.

I’m trying to get him set up with paperwork, invoices, bank account, LLC, etc., but there aren’t enough hours in the day!

I DID find time to work on my novel for about an hour. It’s almost ready to go to the prospective agent who is interested….or at least was when I contacted her two years ago. Let’s see what she says. It’s been almost a year since I touched it. Maybe I can find another hour in 2013. That is probably all I need for now! You would think I would just do it already!

Our zoo is doing well, but someone told Bill about Wayne Newton having penguins at his house, and we are now on day two of me trying to explain to him why we can’t have them at our house. Apparently they were on TV, one had floaties on, Bill is hooked, I said we only rescue our pets, and he’s trying to find abused penguins to bring home. I thought he had let go of the monkey thing…but when I kept saying no to penguins, he started with the “what about a small monkey” business. No pun intended.

I’m still at the cafe, and want to get home before midnight. As soon as these customers leave, we can cash out and go.

Ciao for now.

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