
Archive for July, 2013

Missing my BFF

Last August, I lost my dog, Buck. He passed away after just turning 13. Today would have been his 14th birthday. I’m sad, heartbroken, and depressed.


This is Buck with my nephew, Benjamin. Ben loved to shit out of that dog. He would carry a picture of Buck and myself with him and just say “dog, dog, dog” over and over.


Buck with Isis.


The last picture I took of Buck.

Rest in peace, buddy. I love you so much!!!

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So I promised you pictures of the house, but not only do I have pictures (just a few right now) but I have a good story.

We now have sliding glass doors going out to a sun porch, which is also all glass doors. Bill asked the other day, which dog I thought would be the first to run into the doors. I immediately thought, OAK. He’s our dumb dog. No dog is as loving as Oak, but he’s just dumb.

Last night we brought the dogs over, and it was Diesel who banged his head on it first. He’s 14 and blind in one eye, so it makes sense.

Today the dogs were in the back yard and wanting to come in. To keep them from tracking mud through the house, I closed the inside door. I opened the outside sliding door, and all three dogs pushed their way in the door. Baker and Diesel stopped….Oak picked up speed and ran head first into the inside sliding Door, ricocheting off the door. Funny right? That’s not even the best part…

As Oak bounced off his head and shoulder, (I know he saw stars!!!) his ass end flew up in the air, and shit flew out his ass!!!!

Now a dog shitting in the house is not usually funny, especially the day you move into a new place, but picture our giant black lab, flying through the air, knocking the shit out of himself!

If that doesn’t make you laugh, go see a doctor!


Oak (safely) on the inside with “Dad.”


Looking out onto the porch. Diesel is trying to get out to be with the cats.


Oak and Diesel looking out the front window.

Back to packing and moving. We need to be out of one house, and into the new one, AND I have to work tonight. I’m extremely tired, especially after sleeping on the floor last night for a whole three hours.

We still have another load and my s10 has to be towed over, because for whatever reason, its down…again….sigh!

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Moving Day

It’s finally here. Despite everything that happened last week, Bill and I are doing great (I have my moments) and we are moving into our first home together. It’s a rental, but our landlord is open to us purchasing the home at the end of the lease.

Bill and I are doing all the moving ourselves, and its been a little tough, but we are getting there. I can’t wait until its all over and we are settled.

The house has a fenced in yard for the boys, and, I finally, FINALLY have my own office. I’m even tempted to do the baking for the dog side of the bakery, out of the house. I want to grow that part of the business…but I’ve been busy.

The only hiccup with our move is the electric. Because we both are on the lease, we both have to have our electric paid up to move it to the new house. Bill has over $300 outstanding, and I have over $400. It’s upsetting that I will work from 5:30am until 11:00pm most days, and we are still broke. I cried about it earlier, but thank goodness for xanex!

We sold my car and it was to a friend who is not paying us as agreed, so that is really upsetting. I’m trying to remain calm about it, but I’m done trying to help out other people because I’m tired of getting screwed! Tomorrow he will be $300 behind, and we are the ones getting effed!

I’ll put pictures of the new house up later, but with no days off from work, it will be lots of pictures of boxes!

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Here are some new pies introduced at the bakery this week:



And for the holiday…


Here are some pictures from our time at the park.


Baker finally going in the water.


Oak being very clingy to mommy after daddy accidentally got him with the shock collar on high instead of low.


Diesel still going after balls even if he’s blind in one eye and starting to lose it in his noodle.


Daddy about to throw the ball for the millionth time.


Almost a great picture of Oak and Diesel fetching together….slow ass camera.

Tonight Diesel literally jumped in my arms because of fireworks….hoping we get to sleep at a decent hour…but Oak is the only one NOT spastic about the noise! I think he thinks the fireworks across the street are just glow in the dark tennis balls (Bill’s line…..not mine. He’s so funny).

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