
Archive for June, 2013

I got a phone call at about 4:00. It was Bill telling me he was about to pull off the Marine base for the last time. Between the two of us, we have pulled that truck on and off that base a million times, but today is different. Earlier today, Bill finished his contract with the USMC and returned to civilian life. The reason for letting me know he was on his way, was this is the last time he has to tell me he’s on his way over….because tonight Bill comes home FOREVER. No more living in two places, half his stuff with me, some of my clothes with him…this is it. We now live under one roof.

The amazing part about all this is the timing. Six months ago today, TO THE HOUR, I got a text from Bill telling me he was coming up to see me for the first time. We were both nervous and excited. We had no idea what we were in for….that we would find our cream soda (look back at my post “When you know, you know).

In the past six months we’ve been on a crazy ride where we fell in love, planned our lives, made major life changing decisions, and even had a fight which resulted in me discharging a firearm in the front lawn. I fired at the sky, not Bill, but still.

It’s crazy to think just six months ago, we hadn’t met yet, now, six months to the day later, we are starting our “Happily Ever After!”

We get to start this new adventure as I leave behind a really crazy pickle issue. Yes, I have…er HAD, a pickle issue.

I don’t like pickles, and over time the problem was so bad, I felt gross just touching a pickle container, even if it was empty. This can be really problematic when you spend up to 18 hours a day in a restaurant.

I tried talking to my shrink about it…but she totally laughed at me. It’s okay, because I actually make her laugh a lot, and I love seeing her, but when I do see her, the pickle problem was the least of my worries.

Now here is the super crazy part…. The pickle problem got better after I split from my now ex-husband. Wednesday my divorce was finalized, and on Thursday when I went to work, I had to make sandwiches which come with…you guessed it…a pickle.

The owner of the cafe, who calls me his middle daughter, has me running the back of house now as well. How can I run a kitchen if I can’t touch pickles? I sucked it up and plunged my hand into the bucket….then did it again, and again. I still have to wash my hands right away, but who wants to smell like pickles?

Somewhere along the way, I apparently associated pickles with my ex. Now as Bill and I start the next chapter, it appears as though I’ve left all the bad shit behind 😉

So with all that said, here is to the next chapter, which now includes 3 dogs, 2 cats, 3 turtles, an iguana, a rabbit, and one redneck marine! Oh, and pickles, don’t worry about holding the pickles!

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So its been over a week, but I’m alive, and today is D DAY!


This is Greg. Greg is a pediatrician and a dear friend. During the day he saves the lives of young, innocent children….at night, he hangs out with me and GIS girlfriend, my SWEET friend, April. Greg has been counting down with me to today…the day I get divorced!

Right now I’m sitting outside the courtroom with Alicia, my witness, waiting to be called. We tried doing this two months ago, but my EX husband sent the wrong paperwork.

I digress.

Other than the nightmare that was moving Bill in, we are almost under the same roof. His stuff is here, but he’s been spending the week back near base and crashing on a friends couch. The friend is also our tattoo artist….and I do have some new ink to share with you this week.

Bill and I looked at a house this week, and are moving in on the 15th. It has an extra bedroom, so we have three now, a sunroom, a garage, and a fenced in yard for the boys.

I’ve been working long hours at both jobs, and the night job has me doing a management type role. It’s long hours, super stressful, but I’m doing it in memory of my friend who opened it.

Ahhhh….being called into court!!!

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Step 1. Fall crazy in love. Not just regular love, but crazy, can’t breathe without you, once in a lifetime, made for each other, love.

Step 2. Find out when his going away party from the Marine Corps is.

Step 3. Enlist the help of said Marines and swear them to secrecy.

Step 4. Call the restaurant and ask if you can bring desserts, providing you bring enough for their staff, too.

Step 5. Keep your mouth shut, no matter how hard it is.

Step 6. Bake off two sheet cakes. One chocolate and one red velvet. Plan extra time for this, because you have regular orders, and a 120 person wedding cake.

Step 7. Apologize profusely to your Marine, because you can’t be at the party. Make it believable…don’t oversell it.

Step 8. Decorate said cakes and bake off camouflage cookies. Stress out, try not to cry, also, stay on top of wedding cake stuff.

Step 9. Work more hours than you thought possible in one week….look forward to the hour and a half drive as a “break.”

Step 10. Try to fix A/C in the truck, order part for the following week, cry, figure out how much ice you need to keep things cool.

Step 11. Drive down, talk to Marine as you drive by the house, so you know where he is. Texts other Marines who are helping you, and let them know you are almost there.

Step 12. Set up, hide the truck, crouch in the corner with the high chairs. Watch as Marine walks in and sees the cakes. Listen for him to say “Ok! Where is she?” As he laughs. Jump out from the corner, scrape the kid “stick” from your elbow, then run to your Marine.

Step 13. Hug and love the shit out of him!


This was the first cake I did. I even used fondant to press his actual dog tags into. He loved it!


Because he’s a Chevy man! He really liked this one too.


Being given his plaque.


How hot is he?????


His speech…the man knows how to talk! Others gave great speeches, too! Then I got a round of applause for putting up with him! BRING IT!

Everyone loved the cake, and so did the staff. We were well taken care of, and everyone had fun! Then one more surprise came. The owner of the cafe where I work at night, who calls me his middle daughter, and loves Bill to death, made the trip down. A former Lt. Cornel in the Army, Dave was excited when we showed him around and he got to see where Bill worked. He’s one of the sweetest people I’ve ever met!


He’s holding the mug we got him for fathers day!

Before Bill and I headed back to my house (which becomes his house on Wednesday!!!!) Our friend did some tattoos for us!



It says “Cowgirl Up” which goes with Bill’s “Cowboy Up” tattoo on his lip. Awwwwww. I think its fitting.


Bill is eventually getting a sleeve.

Because I know you’re wondering…..


This is the wedding cake.  I wasn’t 100% happy with it, and we almost had a disaster, but Bill and Alicia got us all through it, and the family was EXTREMELY excited!!!


First day out of the Marine Corps, and he’s doing this!!


Phew! How was your week?

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Remember when you first started to understand politics? For Bill and I, it was when George Bush (Sr) was running for office. We were young and enamoured by the idea of running for president.

One night during the election, I came home and asked my parents if we were Democrats or Republicans. My father, who is not a particularly funny man, turned and asked if I would rather be a jackass or an elephant. Bush won the election, and my political views have swung toward the right ever since.

Fast forward to January 2013, when I asked Bill what president, still living, he would most like to have dinner with. His answer? Abraham Lincoln. I just looked at him. He laughed, and said Bush Sr. since it was that election he first learned about politics.

Knowing he was getting out of the Marines this summer, and that I wouldn’t have money to get him a really great gift, I employed the help of #41 himself.

Bill is a purple heart recipient….except he never had his ceremony for it, because the right people were never on base at the same time. I asked the President if he would send Bill a letter, acknowledging his purple heart, for me to give him.

Being the nerd I am, I couldn’t keep my mouth shut, and blurted it out to him in the truck one day. Bill didn’t have much of a reaction, because he didn’t think good ‘ole George would help me out.

A few months passed, and I sent the letter again. Nothing.

This past week we have been scrambling to get him ready for civilian life, working, and starting our lives under one roof. We were exhausted when we got home last night. Then we realized there was nothing in the house to drink. I ran out for some soda and grabbed the mail on the way back….and there it was. It was addressed to Bill, in a large envelope, care of ME. I just stared for a minute trying to figure out who was sending Bill mail with his full name and rank?

When I realized what it was….I flew in the drive, up the steps, and about attacked him on the couch.

He opened it, and his jaw hit the floor. It’s been almost 24 hours, and he’s still bouncing off the walls. I had a frame in the closet, just in case. So glad it fit! We examined the document thoroughly, and yes, it’s his signature….with a “#41” after his name.

I couldn’t get Bill an expensive gun or fancy hunting gear, but he keeps insisting this is better.


It’s hanging on the wall now, but he mentioned brining it to work tomorrow for show and tell!

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Something had to give. Three jobs? One of which is my own bakery….

Monday I worked at the Italian restaurant for the last time. Why? Because in four hours of work, I made $6.00. For those of you who don’t like math, that’s $1.50 an hour. Add the $3.50 “salary” (which is higher than most servers make) and you still don’t get minimum wage. I couldn’t do it anymore. Too many days of not making minimum wage, makes for an unhappy server.

Now on to the fun stuff. My Extern from Le Cordon Blue is staying the weekend because her family is out of town. The boys LOVE her…


They would NOT leave her alone!


Oak was the most persistent!

Later in the evening, Baker and Diesel had it out and Baker bit Diesels ear. Apparently he was paying him back for biting his face a few months ago. Baker bit through his ear. There’s still blood being cleaned up…sigh.

Tonight I got out of the beer/wine bar early. Bill is here and we are just relaxing at home! I’m sitting on the couch feeling like I should be working!

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It occurred to me the other day, it might seem like I’m whining a lot. It happens when I’m tired. I need to focus on the good, not the bad.

In less than two weeks, Bill moves in, and our zoo will finally be under one roof! I have my dream job (my bakery), and working the beer/wine bar is turning out to be more rewarding than I thought. Yes, 18 hour days are rough, but it seems as though things are finally coming together for us. Bill is a little stressed with the move, and unfortunately, I can’t be there to help him get packed and organized, but it will get done somehow.

I have all three dogs with me this week! Diesel decided to take off on me through the rain yesterday, and Oak followed. Baker, who hates water, sat in the porch and watched. I think he found it funny because he knew they were in trouble, and for once it wasn’t him!

My extern from Le Cordon Blue is amazing! Tomorrow I hope to get some pictures up for you!

Ciao for now!

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It’s been another long week. I managed to work the bakery, the Italian restaurant, and the wine bar/cafe. I’m tired, and a bit cranky.

The truck Bill has me driving made the week with no break lights, no signals, no A/C (in Southern heat), no side mirror, and no horn. I’ve been feeling frustrated as Bill drives around in a truck that has 90 grand into it. Our friend Dan is working on it now….while Bill is sleeping. I feel like I’m working my ass off, and not getting the support I should.

The house is a mess, I’m falling behind at the bakery (even though my new extern is amazing), and I feel like he should he helping me, not letting Dan fix the truck. I expected to come home from work today, and him be here…..maybe picking up the house for me. He wants friends to come over later, and the house is a disaster. Kaila moved out, and that makes me sad.

I’m also really homesick. Today my friend Becky is getting married back home….and I’m almost 1,000 miles away. I should be home. Getting a text from my friend Megan asking if we are going to her wedding next month didn’t help. She’s getting married just three hours away, and I can’t afford to go…even if I am working 90 hours a week.

The Italian restaurant is so slow, I’m not even making minimum wage most days, but I can fit it in my schedule, and I need the money.

Bill goes home to Illinois in a few weeks. I’m upset. I want time off, I want to go home, and I’m tired of being on survival mode. I fear I can’t get out of this mess. I fear I’m not going to keep the bakery open. I fear I’m failing….and I’m doing it by myself.

Dan put the new part in for the truck. No luck. Part of me wants to go inside, wake Bill up, and tell him to fix all this shit. Part of me wants to give up on all this…..or maybe crash this truck. The final part of me just wants to cry.

On the inside of Bill’s lip is a tattoo that reads “Cowboy Up.” I think my next tattoo is “Cowgirl Up” on the inside of my lip. I need a reminder to do that every now and again.

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